A Stager's 4 Biggest Challenges

Stagers can be a huge help to selling a home. Sometimes they bump into issues. The 4 biggest challenges they may have are:
  1. Owners don't want to change their decor - Sellers can't be forced to change their home around. However, tactful language can help accomplish the goal. A piece of furniture or clutter items can be described a special and moved into storage to protect them.

  2. The listing has languished on the market for months before the owner of sales person calls a stager - If a home needs staged it should be done early on in the listing so the house doesn't sit without potential buyers.

  3. A confused layout makes the home seem cramped and unlivable - It helps to stage a room where there are multiple main elements like a fireplace, TV, etc.

  4. A vacant home seems cold and uninviting - A home can be cozy when the right furnishings are placed in every room. An empty room may seem cold and hollow.

If you plan to hire a stager plan to take their advice and have it done before the home is placed 0n the market.