Las Vegas Realtor Site Suggests Buying Homes Now

The Las Vegas Realtor® site referred to an article written by Time suggesting that those who purchase homes and real estate now will make out in the long run. The association is trying to educate home buyers and Las Vegas Realtors® that buying against the grain as well as selling against the grain are tough concepts to grasp but those who are disciplined to do it make out best in the long run.
As John D. Rockefeller famously said, "The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets."
Headlines often either create greed or fear. People act according to the norm. It was suggested in the article that sometimes stepping back and looking at the big picture leads to great opportunities.
"...say you are emotionally ready to be a homeowner. You have good credit, plan to stay put for five years and have been waiting for the perfect entry point. It's time to get serious--before an inevitable rise in interest rates wipes out your advantage..."