Not All Fixer-Uppers Are Built the Same

Many potential home buyers in Las Vegas are holding out to the last minute to time a market direction change just right. Some of them are losing out on great opportunities now, but that's not the point of this article.

Many have invested in foreclosures and fixer-uppers. Some are striking amazing deals, even in a tough market. However, the truly business savvy will win out. At times, the cheapest, seemingly best deal isn't always what it seems. Some properties require the skills of experienced handymen and contractors. First time home buyers and investors should be very careful about "a great deal". It is better to take on a project with moderate margins than to buy a mess that you can't fix. An experienced real estate agent who looks out for your best interests will help you determine how much elephant to bite off.

On the other hand, if you are ready to embark on a major project for considerable gains your agent will be able to help you with that too.